Friday, March 22, 2013

Muslim Council urges President publicly Condemn hate Campaign Of BBS

Muslim Council urges President publicly Condemn hate Campaign Of BBS
Muslim Council urges President publicly Condemn hate
Campaign Of BBS

Muslim Council writes to MR

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) has urged the President Mahinda Rajapaksa among several requests to take a decisive action by publicly condemning the hate campaign of the Buddhist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS).
In a letter to President Mahinda Rajapaksa,signed by the Head of the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka N.M. Ameen stated,these groups have been using the traditional media, social media, public meetings, posters, leaflets, and the circulation of rumors and misinformation insulting Muslims to inculcate a sense of fear and hatred among Sinhalese towards Muslims.
“More than anything else, we also demand our right to live without being targeted by groups whose reach at the grass roots levels and whose exposure through media is causing a wave of hate towards us among the Sinhalese,” the letter adds.

He has asked the President to instruct the police to take necessary action to stop incidents of harassment against minorities and their businesses.
The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka has called on the President to consider several requests made by them in order to stem the rising tide of anti-Muslim sentiments in the country.
Further the Council requested the President to empower the police to respond to instances where such forces try to take the law into their own hands and ensure that the authorities take action against the media when they contribute to the propagation of hate sentiment.
It also urged the President to diffuse the tension around the halal issue by either empowering the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) to continue to offer the certification, or by mandating a government institution to engage in the process given that the certification is most necessary to maintain Sri Lanka's export markets.