Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2013 Sri Lanka Budget will present today

Sri Lanka Budget 2013
Sri Lanka Budget 2013

67th Sri Lanka budget 

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is also the Minister of Finance, will present the budget for the year 2013.
The cabinet of Ministers has already approved the US$ 19.5 billion worth appropriation bill 2013  at the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday September 26.
This is the seventh budget presented by President as the Finance Minister and 67th Sri Lanka budget.
the 2013 budget will focus on consolidating the budget deficit, which is narrowing,A  Finance Ministry Official said. 
The 2013 Budget would be presented in Parliament this afternoon.
The first reading of the Appropriation Bill will take place on October 09 while the Budget proposal (second reading) will be presented in November 08, after publishing it in the government gazette.